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Welcome to Urgent Decision Making
What it's about
Created primarily for pilots, this course discusses three kinds of decision making, but focuses on urgent decision making. The course draws from recent research on how the unconscious mind can influence decision making and how it can be trained to make better decisions when seconds matter.
How it works
The course consists of twelve learning modules, an optional "Recommended for Further Study" module, and a quiz. For each learning module, watch the video carefully and follow any text instructions provided. The items in the further study module are optional and not required part of the course. Any of the material may be viewed again as desired. When you believe you are ready, click the link at the end of the course to take the online quiz. Special instructions for the quiz and how to receive Wings credit are provided in that section. Completion of the course and quiz is valid for 1/2-Credit Basic Knowledge Topic-1 in the Wings program. Please note that completion of the course is also valid for the Avemco Safety Rewards program.
Module 1 Which Emergencies Require Immediate Action?
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 2 Brain Basics
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 3 Overview - Deliberative Decision Making and Fast Decision Making
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 4 Main Event: Urgent Decision Making
The Singular Evaluation approach
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 5 Firefighter ESP?
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 6 The Rest of the Story
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 7 Building an Experience Background
Intuition Grows Out of Experience
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 8 Optimized Decision Making: What Makes it Work?
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 9 Three Steps
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 10 The Unconscious Mind
Beware the Unconscious Mind
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 11 How to Train the Unconscious Mind
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Module 12 Summary
What We Learned
Please view this short video and then scroll down to the next module.
Recommendations for Further Study
This article provides a means of assisting with the building of an experience background.
This article addresses one scenario that requires urgent or at least rapid decision making.
Focus-Sometimes Not Our Friend
This article deals with building an experience background on that includes how to avoid "anchoring."
This YouTube video, which is an hour and twelve minutes in length, examines decision making skills in detail.
Quiz Module
Only necessary if you desire FAA Wings Credit
About the quiz
This is a brief quiz consisting entirely of multiple choice questions. The passing score is 80%. If necessary, you may take the quiz more than once.
When asked to provide your Wings email address, please enter the email address you use to access your Wings account on FAASafety.gov. Please be accurate. Wings credit cannot be issued without the correct email address.
When you have completed the quiz, please be sure to click the submit button. we will be notified when your quiz has been submitted. Your Wings credit will be issued within 7 days (usually much sooner).
Begin the quiz.
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